The school aims to stimulate contacts and the exchange of views between specialists in the various fields relevant to energy problems. The school’s objectives include: the dissemination of scientific information on an international level, the determination of areas in which a more adequate understanding is needed, the promotion of research in these areas and the stimulation of a more integrated interdisciplinary attitude in the entire field. In order to achieve these objectives, the critical evaluation of different experiences in different countries will be essential. The school’s programme will include the following topics (the list is only indicative and by no means complete):
– energy and environmental implications, including physical limits to energy growth; pollution of the biosphere; risk assessment and acceptability; radioactive waste
– primary forms of energy, including new technologies for conventional energy sources; nuclear energy (fission and fusion); other forms of energy (solar, geothermal, hydraulic, etc.); evaluation of energy reserves and resources
– secondary forms of energy, including electricity; hydrogen and other synthetic gases; thermal energy
– energy uses, including demand pattern; conservation; relationship with other sectors, e.g. agriculture, food conservation, raw materials
– energy systems
– energy and economics, including correlation with economic development; modelling and selection criteria (cost/benefit analysis); energy in developed and developing countries.