The main objective of the International School of Educational Science is to bring together renowned scientists and education specialists, together with successful pilot project actors from all over the world, in order to exchange research results and best practices and to disseminate them on a wider scale. The school will combine in-depth analysis of today’s educational challenges with practical implementations.
In this way, we aim to connect education with authentic natural science practices, as Georges Charpak, Leo Lederman, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Bruce Alberts and others have taught us. Following them to successfully improve science education worldwide has been our common goal for the past two decades. The school will have practical outcomes in the form of Proceedings and Best Practice Guidelines for participants to implement in their own countries. The school will be a pivot to expand the existing international network of researchers and educators working today for the improvement of science education, the creation of new scientific vocations and the dissemination of a scientific culture. This network involves many institutions such as CERN, the InterAcademyPartnership and many Academies of Science, UNESCO, etc.