The school aims to train graduate students and early-career scientists in the physics and chemistry of water by fostering interactions between students, research centres and university groups.
The school will bring together experimental and theoretical experts working on liquid water and water systems. The school will include advanced scientific discussions and lectures on theory, simulations and experiments dedicated to understanding condensed phases of water and aqueous solutions.
Liquid water is ubiquitous in the environment, biology, and engineering systems. It plays a key role in chemistry, biology, geology, and environmental science. The establishment of a school in Erice on water and water systems would be timely, considering that despite decades of intensive research into the microscopic mechanisms underlying water’s unusual structural and dynamic properties, its rich phase diagram is still far from being well understood. The school will provide a platform for experts to educate students in the study of water and its solutions from a molecular perspective, at the intersection of physics, chemistry, biology and materials science. This requires sophisticated experimental methods and advanced statistical physics techniques. The course will consist of specialised lectures and seminars by leading experts, oriented towards graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and junior scientists working at universities and research institutes. It will provide a broad overview of the field, including the latest ideas in theory and experiments, as well as a critical discussion of problems currently attracting the attention of researchers. By bringing together participants with different specialised backgrounds, the course also aims at cross-fertilisation of ideas that could advance the state of the field.
In addition to lectures and tutorials, the school will also offer lectures on problems every day of the week, with occasional evening lectures. In addition, students will be asked to make short presentations to their mentoring groups on their current research projects.
The school is aimed at scholars approaching the field of water science for the first time. Graduate students attending universities specialising in chemistry, materials science, physics, biochemistry or related fields.