The role of water resources management and the reason for establishing a School of Water Resources Management are as follows. The water problem cannot be solved without a comprehensive and unified consideration of the complex problem of ensuring rational water use. The rational management of water in a drainage basin is linked to combating the problems of contamination, water protection and soil conservation. All these problems are interdependent and closely related to land use planning and economic planning. Therefore, to enable a comprehensive and unified solution to the problem, an approach is needed that, within the framework of a hydrographically defined region, takes into account economic, legal, administrative, organizational, and ecological aspects.
The school aims to contribute to the better preparation and updating of those technicians who, in increasing numbers, will be involved in water resource management problems. To this end, the School intends to
– Update periodically those technicians who have some responsibility in the field of management problems on the most modern methods to be accepted for water management.
– Promote contacts among the main groups of technicians and scientists interested in these problems.
– To promote the exchange of ideas and experiences on current water management problems.