Since Physics is the ‘Queen of all Sciences’ (Enrico Fermi), the solution of these problems needs physicists and scientists from all other fields. But the present trend is to study the topics mentioned above through the ‘new Science’, the so called ‘Science of Complexity’, whose origin is in a large number of events which apparently cannot be studied following standard mathematics. This is why ‘Modern Culture’ considers ‘Complexity’ a source of new insights in physics, biology, geology, cosmology, social sciences and in all intellectual activities which look at the world through the lens of a standard analysis in terms of either ‘Platonic Simplicity’ or ‘Complexity’.
A recent study proves that Complexity exists at the fundamental level of our knowledge: i.e. Science.
Complexity is ill-defined. There are very many definitions of Complexity: at least 70. We have selected seven definitions and proveed that only two are the experimental evidences for the existence of Complexity. These two experimental evidences are: 1) AFB (Anderson-Feynman-Beethoven-type) events, 2) UEEC (Sarajevo-type).
The existence of Complexity in the real world emerges from two experimentally well-established basic elements: 1) the Anderson-Feynman-Beethoven-type phenomena (AFB) i.e., phenomena whose Laws and Regularities ignore the existence of the Laws of Nature from which they originate; 2) the Sarajevo-type effects, (UEEC), i.e., Unexpected Events with Enormous Consequences.
The most acclaimed example of Complexity, with AFB phenomena and UEEC events, is the Evolution of the World in Real Life (EWRL), better known as History.
On the other hand, the Evolution of our Basic Understanding of the Laws Governing the World in its Structure (EBUS), better known as Science, is universally considered as the most spectacular example of Simplicity.
The Purpose is to show that the two experimental basic elements which characterise Complexity, (AFB) and (UEEC), exist also in EBUS. We focus our analysis on the construction of the Standard Model.
The conclusion is that Complexity exists from the minimum limit of Complexity (Science) to the maximum asymptotic limit of Complexity (History).