Hadrontherapy is a rapidly growing business. Nowadays, there are dozens of centres and half a dozen commercial providers. However, there is no consensus on which accelerators and gantries are most suitable. There is little understanding of the wishes of radiation oncologists and no consensus on the advantages and disadvantages of the various machines and facilities. Physicians should present their experience in treating various tumours and discuss the characteristics required for effective therapy, and should present the status and improvements in photon therapy. Hadron therapy consists of cyclotrons, cyclotrons followed by linac synchrotrons and non-scalar FFAGs. In each case, one should present the basics, outline the pros and cons, present the currently available machines (“off the shelf”) and talk about future developments. The same approach is necessary for the portals and features of a complete system. Approximately one day should be devoted to the doctors’ presentations, followed by (approximately) one day devoted to each of the accelerator approaches. One day should be devoted to the gantry and implant aspects. Some of the participants should be radiation oncologists; about half should be academic accelerator manufacturers and half industrial suppliers.